Minggu, 27 Juli 2014

Felt Disappointed.

"It seem simply when you make someone disappointed, but sometimes you never realize that you've made someone disappointed. Thanks"

"Never speak up that i'm disappointed not mean never feel like it, even if i decided to speak up, but it doesn't even matter"

"Until don't feel anything, don't feel have been waited. Seem it's could be worse, yahhh come on we can laugh loudly together. Come on, including also laugh loudly for our self. HAHAHA"


"When your feel was bored to survive with this condition in confusing, to stop or keep fighting. I don't know, these are too confusing. But, one of my friends (heart) say with me to always stay fighting, even if in confusing condition and feels the pain" 

-It could be worse?- 

"This will never be worse, if we try to fix it, it was if you want"

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